clearly deny 意味

  • ~をはっきりと否定{ひてい}する


        deny:     deny v. 拒む, 否認する; 面会を謝絶する. 【副詞1】 absolutely deny… 完全に…を否定する deny…adamantly 強固に…を否認する That has always been officially denied but the evidence is overwhelming. それは公式には常に否認されてきたが,
        deny that:    (that 以下)を否定{ひてい}する
        not deny but that:     nót deny but that ... …でないとは言わない.
        not deny that:    (that 以下)を否定{ひてい}しない、確かに(that 以下)である I do not deny that I do not like him, but that doesn't mean I hate him. 確かに彼のことは嫌いだが、憎んではいない。
        to deny:    to deny 打ち消す 打消す うちけす 動かす うごかす 否む いなむ
        clearly:    clearly はっきり きっぱり まざまざと 判然と はんぜんと くっきり
        absolutely deny:    完全{かんぜん}に~を否定{ひてい}する
        cannot deny:    cannot deny 否め無い 否めない いなめない
        consistently deny:    ~を断固否定する
        curtly deny:    素っ気{そっけ}なく拒む
        deny a deduction:    推論{すいろん}を否定{ひてい}する
        deny a fact:    事実{じじつ}を否認{ひにん}する
        deny a petition:    請願{せいがん}を却下{きゃっか}する
        deny a rumor:    うわさを打ち消す
        deny abusing:    (人)への虐待{ぎゃくたい}を否定{ひてい}する


  1. "clearly demarcated" 意味
  2. "clearly demonstrate a basic vision for the new times of" 意味
  3. "clearly demonstrate one's ability to" 意味
  4. "clearly demonstrate one's economic policy through the cabinet reshuffle" 意味
  5. "clearly demonstrate to voters the distinctions between ruling and opposition parties in diet deliberations" 意味
  6. "clearly differentiate the roles of the government from those of the private sector" 意味
  7. "clearly display the results of oda to the taxpayers" 意味
  8. "clearly distinct group from" 意味
  9. "clearly divided between the yea-sayers and the naysayers" 意味
  10. "clearly demonstrate one's economic policy through the cabinet reshuffle" 意味
  11. "clearly demonstrate to voters the distinctions between ruling and opposition parties in diet deliberations" 意味
  12. "clearly differentiate the roles of the government from those of the private sector" 意味
  13. "clearly display the results of oda to the taxpayers" 意味

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